Mashpee Land Acknowledgement
The Wôpanâak Language Reclamation Project, in partnership with the Mashpee Public School (MPS) District, has developed Land Acknowledgement posters which are being placed in classrooms and common areas in each of the three MPS school buildings: KC Coombs, Quashnet, and Mashpee Middle/High School.
The posters, which feature the image shown here of beloved tribal chief, Sôtyum Vernon "Bunny" Lopez are written in both English and Wôpanâak.

The English version of the land acknowledgement is below:
​The Mashpee Wampanoag welcome you to our traditional homeland. The Mashpee Public Schools recognize and honor the many generations of Wôpanâak people who have lived and been sustained in this territory for more than 10,000 years.
Watch the Wôpanâak version, recited by Mashpee High School 2020 graduate Alyssa Harris.